Vanessa Hoadley - PRG Commercial
Vanessa Hoadley

Vanessa Hoadley

Human Resources Manager

Vanessa was born and raised in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Throughout her early years, she had the wonderful privilege of traveling the country with her family which led to her love of the West.

A summer job in Big Sky turned into a new chapter for Vanessa. After graduating from Montana State, she worked in management positions in Big Sky which eventually led to a position with PRG.

As the Human Resources Manager, she enjoys working with all aspects of the company. Her position allows her to meet employees on their very first day of their careers with PRG, visit job sites, and plan company events and training sessions.

Interacting with people, helping them find solutions and grow into their role on the PRG Team is her favorite part of the job.

When she is not working, Vanessa spends time with her husband and 2 children traveling to a beach anywhere, visiting family, camping, and attending sporting events.

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